Closed issue by reback00 on void-packages repository Description: I just got an email describing changes for Hacktoberfest this year. They've changed the rules. Now, repositories have to manually opt-in in order to accept entries for Hacktoberfest. Either (a) a "hacktoberfest" tag/topic can be added to accept all PRs on the repo or (b) add a "hacktoberfest-accepted" tag to each PR to be accepted (which is probably impractical for this repo with so many PRs). The email has these changes highlighted: > After working closely with our friends at GitHub, we are happy to introduce measures that are brand new to Hacktoberfest 2020. > 1. Pull requests can be made in any __participating__ GitHub-hosted repositories/projects. > > 2. Maintainers can opt-in to participate by [classifying their projects with the hacktoberfest topic]( > > 3. Your pull requests will count toward your participation if they are in a repository with the hacktoberfest topic and once they have been merged, approved by a maintainer or labelled as hacktoberfest-accepted. > > 4. Additionally, any pull request with the hacktoberfest-accepted label, submitted to any public GitHub repository, with or without the hacktoberfest topic, will be considered valid for Hacktoberfest. > All valid pull requests prior to Oct 3 (when these rules were introduced) will be honored and counted toward completion of Hacktoberfest. > > __[Learn more]( about the changes we've made that will affect your participation.__ I participated in previous year's Hacktoberfest with [PRs only from this repo]( So please add the "hacktoberfest" tag/topic so that many like me can try this year with this repo.