New comment by ericonr on void-packages repository Comment: From `collects/openssl/libcrypto.rkt`: ``` #lang racket/base (require ffi/unsafe racket/runtime-path setup/cross-system (for-syntax racket/base setup/cross-system)) (provide libcrypto libcrypto-load-fail-reason openssl-lib-versions) ;; Notes on shared library versions when provided by OS ;; ie, VERSION s.t. OS provides "lib{crypto,ssl}.{so,dylib}.$VERSION" ;; ;; As of 1.0.0, OpenSSL has adopted a friendlier version policy (see ;;, and recent ;; Linux distros (eg Fedora 27, Debian 9.3 ("stretch")) seem to be ;; using (more) compatible .so versions. ;; ;; Notes on older versions: ;; - Debian and Ubuntu use a few fixed library versions even though ;; actual OpenSSL version changes: ;; - Debian squeeze: lib{crypto,ssl}.so.0.9.8 ;; - Debian {wheezy, jessie, stretch, sid}: lib{crypto,ssl}.so.1.0.0 ;; - Ubuntu {14.04, 14.10, 15.04}: lib{crypto,ssl}.so.1.0.0 ;; - Debian and Ubuntu also provide versionless library in pkg "libssl-dev" ;; - Fedora provides libraries suffixed with actual versions (eg ;; 1.0.1k) as well as a simply-versioned symlink (eg ;; - Fedora {19, 20}: lib{crypto,ssl}.so.1.0.1e, also lib{crypto,ssl}.so.10 ;; - Fedora 21: lib{crypto,ssl}.so.1.0.1j, also lib{crypto,ssl}.so.10 ;; - Fedora 22: lib{crypto,ssl}.so.1.0.1k, also lib{crypto,ssl}.so.10 ;; - Fedora also provides a versionless library in pkg "openssl-devel" ;; - Mac OS includes 0.9.8, 0.9.7, and versionless, but as of 10.15 the ;; versionless dylib and will abort with the following error: ;; "Invalid dylib load. Clients should not load the unversioned libcrypto ;; dylib as it does not have a stable ABI." (define openssl-lib-versions (let ([versions '("1.1" "1.0.2" ;; Compatibility-based version / SONAME "10" ;; Fedora "1.0.0" ;; Debian, Ubuntu ;; Other specific known versions "1.0.1k" "1.0.1j" "1.0.1g" "1.0.1e" "1.0" "1.0.0" "1.0.0e" "1.0.0d" "1.0.0c" "1.0.0b" "1.0.0a" "0.9.8e" "0.9.8b" "0.9.8" "0.9.7" ;; Known versions for *BSD variants "111")]) ;; Don't use the versionless dylib on macOS, as it aborts on 10.15 (case (system-type) [(macosx) versions] [else (case (path->string (system-library-subpath #f)) [("x86_64-darwin" "i386-darwin") versions] [else (cons "" ; versionless (eg from devel pkg) versions)])]))) ``` Might just be a matter of patching this into a semblance of reasonability.