New comment by mobinmob on void-packages repository Comment: Improvements in the runit service which not does not execute /etc/runit/2 anymore: - The service uses now its own dedicated runlevel "66" and not the "default" runlevel, which has services that are handled by the boot@ module service (aggety-*). - It does not try to execute /etc/rc.local if present - that is handled by the services in the boot@ module. - It does not try to match a word in the kernel commandline to a runlevel and use it. The above make easier to switch between 66 and runit as the collections of services are seperate. It sould be totaly transparrent for the new user. Existing users that have the runit service enabled should reenable it by: ``` 66-disable -S runit 66-enable -S -F -C runit ``` in order to use the new service frontend. They will also have to reenable the runit services they use the normal way - by symlinking to /var/service.