New comment by ifreund on void-packages repository Comment: With regards to sway, emersion (the maintainer of sway/wlroots) is still deliberating on the best course of action: ``` 10:59 (1) let distros cherry-pick 5ae4f65 10:59 (2) cut a new minor release with only 5ae4f65 10:59 (3) new major release, but not a fan of forcing these on each wlroots release 11:00 Of course, a new release of any kind helps us tremendously. 11:00 static linking would be convenient... 11:01 with wlroots being such a intimate dependency for compositors, yeah 11:02 emersion: yes. currently we upload the buffer from the gpu to ram within the compositor (screencopy) and then we copy the buffer into the pipewire buffer, depending ont the y-inverted flag flipped or not. If theres is no need to flip, we could just handover pipewire the fd of the buffer from screencopy 11:02 emersion: option 2... "With only..." You do mean all commits up to that? 11:02 FreedomBear: no, just this commit. other commits contain new features, can't include that in a bugfix release. 11:03 I wonder how big sway would be if we statically linked and maybe sprinkled LTO on top 11:03 FreedomBear: basically, the bugfix release would include fixes for breaking wlroots changes, and for this particular wlroots release, we don't need any 11:03 fwiw my plan is (2) if such a thing happens for wayfire 11:04 emersion: ok, so a minor release just to ensure compatibility with latest wlroots. 11:04 FreedomBear: exactly 11:04 ammen99_: thx, looks like the most sensible option indeed 11:04 kennylevinsen: wlroots is 714K it seems 11:05 and sway 522K 11:05 what about a master and devel branch, cherrypicking single commits for minor compatibility releases? 11:06 emersion: any release option would be a tremendous help. Of course, a new major release is preferred, but (2) is great as well. 11:11 Off to bed now. Thanks for entertaining our downstream requests emersion :) 11:14 FreedomBear: np! will ping you when i've decided what to do ```