New comment by ahesford on void-packages repository Comment: You probably don't even need to start the service. It should be activated by dbus. Make sure your `dbus` service is enabled and that you start your window manager wrapped by `dbus-run-session` to make sure you have a consistent user session. If, for some reason, you really do need the daemon, your modifications to the run script have several issues. The `xset q` test is guaranteed to fail because the service script doesn't know what 'DISPLAY` to use. The udev check is effectively a no-op. (The `sv check` construct works for dbus because the dbus service defines a `check` script that properly defines conditions under which it may be considered "up". Most services, udev included, do not; in that case, `sv check` effectively tests whether the service is linked in `/var/service`, not whether it's running, and certainly not whether it's in a stable state.) The `w` check, if one user is logged in, may be ok, but will crash and burn with more than one logged-in user because you aren't quoting the subshell output.