New comment by lane-brain on void-packages repository Comment: Here is my template, it was based off of your template for `sof-firmware` and seeing other package. One last word, in my troubleshooting last year I learned that pulseaudio makes use of these ucm config files to autoconfigure detected cards, I'm not sure what decision would be proper to make considering dependencies on pulseaudio because in certain cases it still works out of the box without the ucm conf files. For example, using snd_hda_intel I had speakers working but no mic, but that driver doesn't fully support my laptop's dsp so that's to be expected. Definitely they should be deps for `sof-firmware`. ``` # Template file for 'alsa-ucm-conf' pkgname=alsa-ucm-conf version=1.2.4 revision=1 archs="i686* x86_64*" depends="alsa-lib" wrksrc=${pkgname}-${version} short_desc="ALSA Use Case Manager topology configurations" maintainer="lane-brain " license="BSD-3-Clause" homepage="" distfiles="${pkgname}-${version}.tar.bz2" checksum=2c3b535c77dcb9aaf62a61f4f8324f1ab184162f105f7ec9ed1e37c742fcd340 do_install() { cd ${wrksrc} find ucm2 -type f -iname "*.conf" -exec install -vDm 644 {} "${DESTDIR}/usr/share/alsa/"{} \; find ucm2 -type l -iname "*.conf" -exec cp -dv {} "${DESTDIR}/usr/share/alsa/"{} \; install -vDm 644 -t "${DESTDIR}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}" install -vDm 644 ucm2/ -t "${DESTDIR}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/ucm2" vlicense LICENSE } ```