New comment by jeff-hughes on void-packages repository Comment: Hi there -- shellcaster maintainer here. I'd love to make it available for Void Linux and for ARM as well. Yes, in hindsight relying on `pancurses` and `ncurses-rs` was a bad idea; I didn't notice that the projects are not very active. Long-term I may try to move to `termion` instead to remove the ncurses dependency, but that would require a fairly large rewrite. Forking the `ncurses-rs` library to merge the [open PR for building on arm64]( would be an option, and I'm happy to jump to this dependency as long as it doesn't impact building on x86. However, to publish shellcaster on (which allows for easy installation with `cargo install shellcaster`), all the deps need to be on as well. I don't feel comfortable becoming the maintainer of a forked ARM-compatible `ncurses-rs`/`pancurses` library on if I don't even have an ARM device myself to test things on. If there is someone willing to do that, that would be great, and I'd happily switch dependencies. The other option is that I can add a [git dependency]( in my Cargo.toml, which will mean it will build `ncurses-rs` from the version when installing from, and build it from the Github repo when compiled from source. It's a little bit of a hack, but if I end up being the one forking those projects, that's ideal for me, as it doesn't set me up as some sort of "official" ncurses fork -- the scope is restricted to shellcaster. Anyway, I wanted to check in here to figure out what would work best. Thanks, @kotajacob, for letting me know this existed. @fosslinux, you mention you're doing something with `ncurses-rs` -- what does that entail? If it's something I can help with in some way, I'd be happy to.