New comment by sirn on void-packages repository Comment: `libspa` is a module that can be turned on and off, e.g. ffmpeg for transcoding the stream, bluez for connecting to bluetooth audio, etc. so it was separated to make sure apps that only use pipewire for screen sharing didn't pull in everything else (pipewire were primarily used for screen sharing in e.g. Chrome/Flatpak/Gnome, and only gained audio support in 0.3) so I don't think merging all sub packages in is a good idea. IIRC these are libspa that are required to get audio working. Would you think it might makes sense to add these to default dependencies? * libspa-alsa * libspa-audioconvert * libspa-audiomixer * libspa-control Also might worth deprecating libpulseaudio-pipewire too since pipewire has since deprecated replacing libpulse and instead implementing the pulseaudio protocol via protocol-pulse