New comment by ericonr on void-packages repository Comment: > Not cleaning masterdir will break build of packages that use same source from different templates, like avahi-discover - avahi. Not sure should it just fail if any test fail or add mode where xbps proceeds to install, but return special exit code that is tracked then to mark job as failed. Argh, that's rather unfortunate. I have also noticed an issue where any template that checks for `XBPS_CHECK_PKGS` and adds stuff to `configure_args` will fail the check phase... That might be why `libaom` itself is failing, actually. I tried splitting check into a separate phase because @leahneukirchen requested it, and the output does look nicer, but doing everything in a single step by running `./xbps-src pkg -Q $pkg` should avoid all of these issues. > FTP_RETRIES was way to fetch from ftp in travis network, it has no use now. Could you remove from while touching that? Sure. > Would be also nice to change XBPS_{,ARG_}CHECK_PKGS=1 to yes since value matters now. Good point.