New comment by ifreund on void-packages repository Comment: > @Logarithmus @ifreund I was able to build the version of chromium with the pipewire build option on, but when I go to install it, xbps does not require libpipewire0.2 as a dependency. > > Checking `ldd` on `/usr/lib/chromium/chromium` shows that the executable does not depend on `libpipewire`... did I do something wrong or is this expected? I can run my rebuilt chromium without libpipewire0.2 installed. I believe chromium loads `libpipewire0.2` with `dlopen(3)` when it is needed for screensharing. I just tested and removing `libpipewire0.2` doesn't cause any crash when trying to screenshare with webrtc but it doesn't work either. Reinstalling it makes screen share function again. Perhaps `libpipewire0.2` shouldn't be a hard dependency?