New comment by paper42 on void-packages repository Comment: The error says: ``` /void-packages/common/xbps-src/shutils/ line 31: cd: /builddir/ffcast-2.5.0: No such file or directory => ERROR: ffcast-2.5.0_1: cannot access wrksrc directory [/builddir/ffcast-2.5.0] ``` when we try looking inside this directory: ``` $ ls masterdir/builddir FFcast-2.5.0 ``` we can see there is no ffcast-2.5.0 directory, there is only **FF**cast-2.5.0. This means we need to tell the build-system to use it. Add `wrksrc=FFcast-${version}`. The next problem is that you are using command `bootstrap` and `configure`. These are not executables installed in `$PATH`, they are executable files in the current directory which means you have to run them as the README suggests - `./bootstrap` and `./configure`. Now the package should build, but the template is not ideal. There is no reason to install README.asciidoc, because it only has information about compiling the package. ./configure and make in do_build and make install in do_install is quite common, so we can add `build_style=gnu-configure` which will add basically: ``` do_configure() { ./configure with the correct flags } do_build() { make } do_install() { make install } ``` We need to make sure we don't rewrite the functions do_build and do_install that build_style provided to us, so we need to move the one remaining command - `./bootstrap` we need to run **before** do_configure to pre_configure. The last issue I see is that makedepends should be renamed to hostmakedepends.