New comment by st3r4g on void-packages repository Comment: > You can probably reproduce using libseat's [simpletest]( instead of running sway, by running it as `simpletest /dev/dri/card0` (first argument is the device to try to open). You mean `exec simpletest /dev/dri/card0`? I don't reproduce it with that (can type in the getty normally). Here's the output: ``` 00:00:00.000 [INFO] [libseat/libseat.c:70] libseat_open_seat: Backend 'seatd' failed to open seat, skipping 00:00:00.002 [ERROR] [libseat/backend/logind.c:605] set_type: Could not set session type: Rejected send message, 2 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.32" (uid=1000 pid=1936 comm="/tmp/simpletest /dev/dri/card0 ") interface="org.freedesktop.login1.Session" member="SetType" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.login1" (uid=0 pid=1209 comm="elogind-daemon ") 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [libseat/libseat.c:67] libseat_open_seat: Seat opened with backend 'logind' libseat_open_seat(listener: 0x7ffe83dbbf30, userdata: 0x7ffe83dbbf14) = 0x55886d2282a0 waiting for activation... active! libseat_open_device(backend: 0x55886d2282a0, path: /dev/dri/card0, fd: 0x7ffe83dbbf18) = 5 00:00:00.003 [ERROR] [libseat/backend/logind.c:132] close_device: Could not stat fd 5 ``` the first error is due to `elogind` being outdated (doesn't have SetType), but what is the second error? > @st3r4g Can you try the `release_control` branch of seatd? It includes the ReleaseControl call, which should do the trick for clean shutdowns at least. Yeah that works. But still, it's an elogind bug... I should try master and report to them if it still happens.