New comment by n-ivkovic on void-packages repository Comment: Hi, I'm the developer of tspreed. I would first like to say I am very grateful for you creating a Void Linux package for tspreed. Soon tspreed 1.2.2 will be released, assuming no additional fixes will need to be made. As of this release the new file ./default.rc will be copied to /etc/tspreed/tspreed.rc when tspreed is installed. This functionality is included in the makefile in the develop branch of tspreed, ready to be merged into master for the release. I wish to request a change be made to the package template once 1.2.2 is released in order to perform the copying of the config file. I believe adding the following to `do_install()` will work as intended: ``` vconf default.rc tspreed/tspreed.rc ``` Please feel free to implement the intended functionality however you wish, you will be the maintainer after all. If you wish to implement these changes and have this PR be merged only once 1.2.2 is released, please be prepared to wait possibly over a week before the release happens. I will be busy with commitments over the next few days so I may not be able to release the update in that time, however I can guarantee the update will be released within the next 1.5 weeks. If you do not wish to wait for the release feel free to continue with the merge as you would have before and implement the change at a later date. If you agree to implement this change, whether it be part of this PR or later on, I'm happy to list this package as the preferred installation method for Void Linux users under the installation section of the README. Please feel free to ask for any clarification or provide any critique/feedback.