Closed issue by lane-brain on void-packages repository Description: It seems that `libcap-ng` 0.8.2 was finally committed to master 10 hours ago. Upon updating to the new package today, I noticed that gnome-keyring-daemon could not launch, giving the following error: `gnome-keyring-daemon: error dropping process capabilities, aborting' Research led me to this: Then to: Which then led me to this: And it seems also that `cifs-utils` was affected. Here is the commit that fixes their issue with the new libcap-ng. Merging the patch from gnome-keyring-daemon was all it took to get it back working, so I bumped up the revision and added the patchfile pulled from the commit. Also built the cifs-utils with that repo's commit fixing this issue and included the patch as well. I've made a branch on my forked repo with the changes. Builds look good on my end. Submitting a pull request.