New comment by fosslinux on void-packages repository Comment:
sgn: noarch moved here: All of these packages have been dropped and are currently **noarch**: - [ ] 7kaa-data - [ ] Cataclysm-DDA-tiles-data - [ ] OpenRCT2-data - [ ] Platinum9-theme - [ ] SMC-data - [ ] TSC-data - [ ] aisleriot-data - [ ] arm-mem-git - [ ] avahi-python - [ ] bashlibs - [ ] boost1.69-build - [ ] caja-gksu - [ ] california - [ ] cegui-data - [ ] cookie - [ ] cppunit-doc - [ ] drist - [ ] econnman - [ ] eigen2 - [ ] evieext - [ ] exec-on-git-staged - [ ] fontmatrix - [ ] gdash-data - [ ] get-flash-videos-git - [ ] gksu - [ ] goffice0.8 - [ ] hamster-applet - [ ] hashboot - [ ] keepassx - [ ] libapp - [ ] libdbusmenu-qt - [ ] libgksu - [ ] libqalculate-data - [ ] libwayland-egl - [ ] ls++-git - [ ] lxqt-l10n - [ ] mate-applets-data - [ ] mongroup - [ ] networkmanager-dmenu - [ ] notmuch-python - [ ] oblogout - [ ] obmenu - [ ] oomox - [ ] openlierox-data - [ ] opensonic-data - [ ] opensurge-data - [ ] openttd-data - [ ] opentyrian-data - [ ] pcb-data - [ ] profile-sync-daemon - [ ] protobuf18-lite - [ ] pyside-tools - [ ] python-Arrow - [ ] python-Cheroot - [ ] python-CherryPy - [ ] python-ConfigArgParse - [ ] python-Django - [ ] python-Flask - [ ] python-Flask-Assets - [ ] python-Flask-Babel - [ ] python-Flask-Login - [ ] python-Flask-OAuthlib - [ ] python-Flask-Script - [ ] python-Flask-WTF - [ ] python-GitPython - [ ] python-IPy - [ ] python-Mako - [ ] python-Markups - [ ] python-MiniMock - [ ] python-PyOpenGL - [ ] python-Pyro4 - [ ] python-SPARQLWrapper - [ ] python-SecretStorage - [ ] python-Unidecode - [ ] python-WTForms - [ ] python-Werkzeug - [ ] python-Whoosh - [ ] python-Yapsy - [ ] python-aalib - [ ] python-alabaster - [ ] python-alembic - [ ] python-ansible-lint - [ ] python-ansicolor - [ ] python-appdirs - [ ] python-argh - [ ] python-arxiv2bib - [ ] python-asn1crypto - [ ] python-astral - [ ] python-astroid - [ ] python-atspi - [ ] python-audioread - [ ] python-axolotl - [ ] python-babelfish - [ ] python-backcall - [ ] python-backports.shutil_get_terminal_size - [ ] python-backports.ssl_match_hostname - [ ] python-backports_abc - [ ] python-bibtexparser - [ ] python-bitbucket-api - [ ] python-bleach - [ ] python-blessings - [ ] python-blinker - [ ] python-botocore - [ ] python-bottle - [ ] python-cached-property - [ ] python-cachetools - [ ] python-cairocffi - [ ] python-chess - [ ] python-chroot - [ ] python-cliapp - [ ] python-click-log - [ ] python-click-threading - [ ] python-codespell - [ ] python-colorama - [ ] python-construct - [ ] python-cram - [ ] python-cssutils - [ ] python-curtsies - [ ] python-cycler - [ ] python-daemonize - [ ] python-defusedxml - [ ] python-discogs_client - [ ] python-dkimpy - [ ] python-docker - [ ] python-docker-pycreds - [ ] python-dockerpty - [ ] python-docopt - [ ] python-dogpile.cache - [ ] python-dominate - [ ] python-editor - [ ] python-empy - [ ] python-entrypoints - [ ] python-envdir - [ ] python-enzyme - [ ] python-ewmh - [ ] python-fasteners - [ ] python-filetype - [ ] python-fishnet - [ ] python-flaky - [ ] python-fonttools - [ ] python-functools32 - [ ] python-futures - [ ] python-gitdb - [ ] python-github3 - [ ] python-gitlab - [ ] python-gnupg - [ ] python-gogs-client - [ ] python-google-api-python-client - [ ] python-google-auth - [ ] python-google-auth-httplib2 - [ ] python-graphviz - [ ] python-guessit - [ ] python-h11 - [ ] python-habanero - [ ] python-hpack - [ ] python-httmock - [ ] python-httplib2 - [ ] python-hyper-h2 - [ ] python-hyperframe - [ ] python-icalendar - [ ] python-imagesize - [ ] python-inotify - [ ] python-ipaddr - [ ] python-iptools - [ ] python-ipython - [ ] python-ipython_genutils - [ ] python-ipython_ipykernel - [ ] python-irc - [ ] python-isbnlib - [ ] python-isort - [ ] python-jaraco.functools - [ ] python-jedi - [ ] python-jmespath - [ ] python-jsonpointer - [ ] python-jsonrpclib - [ ] python-jsonschema - [ ] python-jupyter - [ ] python-jupyter_client - [ ] python-jupyter_console - [ ] python-jupyter_core - [ ] python-jupyter_ipywidgets - [ ] python-jupyter_nbconvert - [ ] python-jupyter_nbformat - [ ] python-jupyter_notebook - [ ] python-jupyter_qtconsole - [ ] python-jupyter_widgetsnbextension - [ ] python-jupyter_widgetsnbextension-data - [ ] python-kaptan - [ ] python-keepalive - [ ] python-keyring - [ ] python-kitchen - [ ] python-larch - [ ] python-ldap3 - [ ] python-libtmux - [ ] python-logfury - [ ] python-magic - [ ] python-markdown2 - [ ] python-matplotlib-data - [ ] python-mccabe - [ ] python-mistune - [ ] python-mpd2 - [ ] python-mpmath - [ ] python-mtranslate - [ ] python-munkres - [ ] python-mygpoclient - [ ] python-namedlist - [ ] python-natsort - [ ] python-nbxmpp - [ ] python-ndg_httpsclient - [ ] python-neovim - [ ] python-netaddr - [ ] python-networkx - [ ] python-nose2 - [ ] python-npyscreen - [ ] python-ntplib - [ ] python-oauth2client - [ ] python-oauthlib - [ ] python-olefile - [ ] python-pafy - [ ] python-pam - [ ] python-pandocfilters - [ ] python-paramiko - [ ] python-parse - [ ] python-parso - [ ] python-passlib - [ ] python-pathlib - [ ] python-pathspec - [ ] python-pathtools - [ ] python-pbkdf2 - [ ] python-pdfrw - [ ] python-pex - [ ] python-pexpect - [ ] python-pgmigrate - [ ] python-picamera - [ ] python-pickleshare - [ ] python-pipenv - [ ] python-pkgconfig - [ ] python-plotly - [ ] python-podcastparser - [ ] python-polib - [ ] python-portend - [ ] python-progress - [ ] python-prometheus_client - [ ] python-prompt_toolkit2 - [ ] python-proselint - [ ] python-ptyprocess - [ ] python-pyPEG2 - [ ] python-pyacoustid - [ ] python-pycountry - [ ] python-pyenet - [ ] python-pyflakes - [ ] python-pykeepass - [ ] python-pykka - [ ] python-pylast - [ ] python-pyotp - [ ] python-pypcapfile - [ ] python-pyperclip - [ ] python-pyqtgraph - [ ] python-pyrfc3339 - [ ] python-pysocks - [ ] python-pysrt - [ ] python-pytest-fixture-config - [ ] python-pytest-mock - [ ] python-pyudev - [ ] python-pyx - [ ] python-pyzbar - [ ] python-qrcode - [ ] python-random2 - [ ] python-rarfile - [ ] python-raven - [ ] python-readability-lxml - [ ] python-rebulk - [ ] python-redis - [ ] python-requests-mock - [ ] python-requests-oauthlib - [ ] python-requests-toolbelt - [ ] python-ripe-atlas-cousteau - [ ] python-ripe-atlas-sagan - [ ] python-rsa - [ ] python-s3transfer - [ ] python-scour - [ ] python-send2trash - [ ] python-serpent - [ ] python-sh - [ ] python-simplebayes - [ ] python-simplegeneric - [ ] python-singledispatch - [ ] python-slowaes - [ ] python-smmap - [ ] python-snowballstemmer - [ ] python-socketIO-client - [ ] python-sphinx_rtd_theme - [ ] python-sphinxcontrib - [ ] python-sphinxcontrib-websupport - [ ] python-stem - [ ] python-stevedore - [ ] python-stormssh - [ ] python-subliminal - [ ] python-sympy - [ ] python-tempora - [ ] python-termcolor - [ ] python-terminado - [ ] python-testpath - [ ] python-texttable - [ ] python-tmuxp - [ ] python-toml - [ ] python-tqdm - [ ] python-tracing - [ ] python-traitlets - [ ] python-trollius - [ ] python-ttystatus - [ ] python-tweepy - [ ] python-twitter - [ ] python-txgithub - [ ] python-tzlocal - [ ] python-unittest-mixins - [ ] python-urbandict - [ ] python-urlgrabber - [ ] python-urwidtrees - [ ] python-utils - [ ] python-vint - [ ] python-virtualenv - [ ] python-virtualenv-clone - [ ] python-vobject - [ ] python-voluptuous - [ ] python-watchdog - [ ] python-webassets - [ ] python-websocket-client - [ ] python-wheel - [ ] python-wikipedia - [ ] python-wsproto - [ ] python-xapp - [ ] python-xmldiff - [ ] python-xmltodict - [ ] python-yamllint - [ ] python-zc.lockfile - [ ] python-zeroconf - [ ] python-zipstream - [ ] python-zope.component - [ ] python-zope.event - [ ] python3-file-magic - [ ] python3-importlib_metadata - [ ] python3-matplotlib-data - [ ] python3-prompt_toolkit2 - [ ] python3-pytest-relaxed - [ ] python3-sphinxcontrib-websupport - [ ] python3-zipp - [ ] qimageblitz - [ ] qtcreator-data - [ ] rocksndiamonds-data - [ ] scudcloud - [ ] seriespl - [ ] sickbeard - [ ] skypetab-ng - [ ] spacefm-ng - [ ] telepathy-python - [ ] transmission-remote-cli - [ ] ttyload-git - [ ] turses - [ ] tuxpaint-data - [ ] ufoai-data - [ ] urlmatch-git - [ ] wireshark-gtk - [ ] wok - [ ] yt-play FWIW list generated using `xbps-query -i --repository= -p architecture -s noarch | sed "s/: .*//" | rev | sed "s/.*[0-9]-//" | rev | xargs -I{} ls -1 srcpkgs/{}/template 2>&1 | grep 'No such' | sed "s/ls: cannot access 'srcpkgs\///" | sed "s/\/template': No such file or directory//" | sed "s:^:- \[ \] :" | xclip -i -selection clipboard`