New comment by yopito on void-packages repository Comment: followup regarding GH actions: 1. i686* and x86_64* build fails: on testing: "`408 - QtMultimedia_audio_test (Failed)`" No such error when runned in my chroots. I guess this is related to container of GH actions and pulseaudio, like missing some low-level interfaces ? => I consider these build fails irrelevant 2. armv7l(-glibc) build fails: "`/usr/armv7l-linux-gnueabihf/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:11: fatal error: 'gnu/stubs-soft.h' file not found`" C macro triage error : should include "`gnu/stubs-hard.h`" instead for armv7l. hint: compare content of `cross-arm-linux-gnueabi-libc-0.33_2` for armv5/6 and `cross-armv7l-linux-gnueabihf-libc-0.33_2` for armv7 => should open a dedicated issue ? 3. armv6l-musl build fails: "`/usr/arm-linux-musleabihf/usr/include/qt5/QtCore/qbasicatomic.h:97:5: error: static_assert failed due to requirement 'bool(QAtomicOpsSupport<8>::IsSupported)' "template parameter is an integral of a size not supported on this platform`" looks like a 32/64 bit problem. shiboken2 (64bit) launchs clang (64bit ?) that use armv6 env (32bit) ? ~~My personal build for armv7l-musl build (not in GH actions) has not such a problem (if can be compared).~~ => specific to armv6l(-musl) ? I'm don't have so much clue @ericonr : since you follow this PR, do you have comments ? edit: strike false assumption