New comment by fosslinux on void-packages repository Comment: I strongly agree with @q66. Why does sndio become the exception for pulling in features? Unlike libressl (for example), we have alternatives (such as pulseaudio), and patching this in with a 1k LOC patch and a ton of new files is not very good. This patch was originally added in #8056 and has barely changed since then. upstream is not hostile to readding this patch, it's just that there was no maintainer (src: If someone is interested in putting that work in, then upstream will merge it and we will take it *as downstream*, as our policy is in general. I honestly think while sndio is a great project there is not enough upstream support and patches are not being maintained. Other quite large patches include: - portaudio - (883 lines) - chromium - (886 lines) - SDL - (375 lines) There are many other smaller patches which IMO are fine as they are just altering build systems, including: - baresip - firefox{,-esr} - icecat - qt5-webengine - thunderbird Futhermore sndio seems to be "prioritized" in a lot of packages over alsa. (?!?!?!?!?)