New comment by ericonr on void-packages repository Comment: The alsa plugin has issues with syncing (watching videos with it is quite terrible, from what I've heard), and it doesn't work for audio inputs. The portaudio patch was fixed up a while ago to actually implement proper fallback for other sound devices. I don't know about SDL or chromium. It is my understanding that some void developers made the decision to make sndio a first class audio server; we are probably the best sndio experience out of the box on linux (possibly also BSDs other than OpenBSD) - it seems that sometimes even to the detriment of other sound servers, due to faulty fallbacks. It would suck a bit to change that policy by removing sndio support from a bunch of packages at the same time. If the current packages aren't known to cause any issues, I think it's ok to leave thing as is, as long as we have people trying to work to push these upstream.