New comment by paper42 on void-packages repository Comment: I tried to package this a few months ago, but abandoned it after the UI didn't work, but I don't remember a segfault. Here is my template (not optimal, some lines are probably not neccessary): ``` # Template file for 'gotify-server' pkgname=gotify-server version=2.0.20 revision=1 wrksrc=server-${version} build_style=go go_ldflags="-X 'main.Version=${version}' -X 'main.Mode=prod'" go_import_path="" hostmakedepends="yarn packr2" short_desc="Simple server for sending and receiving messages in real-time" maintainer="Paper " license="MIT" homepage="" distfiles="${version}.tar.gz" checksum=18b656af071368a37493286a2fe6718ec9e50fcaa09ace651c4d72971cc70e89 system_accounts="_gotify" make_dirs="/var/gotify/ 0755 _gotify _gotify" do_check() { #make test-race test-coverage # test-js make test } post_extract() { vsed -i config.example.yml -e 's,data/,/var/gotify/,' } pre_build() { cd ui yarn install yarn build cd ${wrksrc} # embed assets to the binary packr2 } post_install() { mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/server ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/gotify-server vlicense LICENSE vsconf config.example.yml vsv gotify } ``` `files/gotify/run`: ``` #!/bin/sh export GIN_MODE=release exec chpst -u _gotify:_gotify gotify-server ```