Closed issue by jirib on void-packages repository Description: Hi, I used `wget` to do mirror of a web and owner created probably some filenames with windows-1252 encoding, this caused problem and it seems way to go is to use "IRI" support in wget for convertion. ### System * xuname: ``` Void 5.9.14_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel notuptodate rrrdFFF ``` * package: ``` wget-1.21_1 ``` ### Expected behavior IIUC IRI support is must if handling issues with filenames encoding. `+ivi` should be part ov `wget -V`. ### Actual behavior ``` $ wget -V | head -4 GNU Wget 1.21 built on linux-gnu. -cares +digest -gpgme +https +ipv6 -iri +large-file -metalink +nls +ntlm +opie -psl +ssl/openssl $ wget --local-encoding=utf-8 --restrict-file-names=nocontrol This version does not have support for IRIs ``` ### Steps to reproduce the behavior ``` $ wget --local-encoding=utf-8 --restrict-file-names=nocontrol This version does not have support for IRIs $ wget -V | head -4 # should be with +iri ```