There is an updated pull request by Piraty against master on the void-packages repository icecc [WIP] New package: icecream-1.3.1 ### Intro This PR brings distributed compiler icecc ( to Void. Unlike distcc it supports building on heterogeneous workers (by sending chroot archives to the workers), so my ultimate goal is to use it in xbps-src as an alternative to distcc. ### TODO * [x] ~Naming of the package? `icecc` or `icecream`? [repology]( icecream it is * [ ] where should daemon's basedir be? [fedora]( uses `/var/cache/icecc` * [ ] other distros like [debian]( [fedora]( ship a custom icecc.conf that could be adopted for a more simple configuration of the services ### How to test Required ports are mentioned in the project's [README]( 1. on the remote machine: start the daemon: `iceccd -vvv` 1. on the local machine: start the scheduler: `icecc-scheduler -vvv` and a daemon 1. make sure scheduler connects to remote daemon 1. expand PATH to find the icecc symlinks ``` export ICECC_DEBUG=debug export PATH="/usr/libexec/icecc/bin:$PATH" gcc -o helloworld helloworld.c ``` 5. or invoke icecc directly ``` ICECC_DEBUG=debug icecc gcc -o helloworld helloworld.c ``` A patch file from is attached