New comment by kawaiiamber on void-packages repository Comment: I myself use `CopyQ`. However, this project seems interesting. Here is the template if you want to maintain it: ``` # Template file for 'greenclip' pkgname=greenclip version=3.4 revision=1 build_style=haskell-stack hostmakedepends="ghc stack pkg-config" makedepends="libX11-devel libXinerama-devel libXrandr-devel libXScrnSaver-devel" short_desc="Simple clipboard manager to be integrated with rofi" maintainer="" license="BSD-3-Clause" homepage="" distfiles="${homepage}/archive/${version}.tar.gz" checksum=ad80c33ddd7a4f91da4641d2b016609f83b81792995fc9f12e5dcc3f80b4432c nopie=yes post_install() { vlicense LICENSE } ``` It passes `./xbps-src pkg greenclip` locally on my musl machine, I don't know how it will do on cross-platform. If you want, I can maintain it if you're busy.