New comment by not-chicken on void-packages repository Comment: > I've looked at already, I'm still trying to figure it out. The way the manual describes it kind of already assumes you know what it means from what I can tell. In general, yes, I know that `-devel` things go in `makedepends`, runtime depends go in `depends`, and things like tools that are needed to build go in `hostmakedepends`. > > Tested to build locally for `armv6l`, with following deps: > > For `mono-addins`: > > ``` > > hostmakedepends="mono automake autoconf pkg-config gtk-sharp2" > > makedepends="gtk-sharp2" > > depends="mono gtk-sharp2" > > ``` > > > > > > For `pinta`: > > ``` > > hostmakedepends="automake autoconf pkg-config mono-addins intltool" > > makedepends="mono-devel gtk-sharp2" > > depends="mono-addins" > > ``` > > Yup, I just figured it out, too using `-a aarch64-musl`, but thanks anyways <3 Awesome :tada: There are a couple things left to do, please split `mono-addins` into a separate commit, bump it to version 1.3.3 and keep the info from the gist in patch( it will be helpful when someone touches this package later on).