Closed issue by mrnoname1000 on void-packages repository Description: Zopfli builds shared and static libraries, but the build script doesn't install them. FYI, Zopfli's included makefile doesn't link the binaries with the shared libraries, but its cmake script does (if building the libraries, with -DZOPFLI_BUILD_SHARED=ON). The below build script builds and installs everything, but I wasn't able to figure out the best way to package the necessary files separately in a -devel package. ```bash # Template file for 'zopfli' pkgname=zopfli version=1.0.3 revision=2 wrksrc="${pkgname}-${pkgname}-${version}" build_style=cmake configure_args=-DZOPFLI_BUILD_SHARED=ON short_desc="Very good, but slow, deflate or zlib compression" maintainer="Leah Neukirchen " license="Apache-2.0" homepage="" distfiles="${pkgname}/archive/${pkgname}-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=e955a7739f71af37ef3349c4fa141c648e8775bceb2195be07e86f8e638814bd post_install() { vlicense COPYING LICENSE } ```