New comment by Yay-mod on void-packages repository Comment: (sorry for replying late i was kinda busy)(this comment is long and might be unnecessary at all !) well i appreciate all the help i,m getting from this github issue and the patience from the helpers including the maintainers of the void source repo (fosslinux , Angeryphantom and ericonr). i fear that the main problem (with me) is that i,m not able to install that driver correctly due to the problem of me being a linux beginner , so i always miss a important part of the installation becaues there wasn,t a guide video to follow. i later while i was researching i found out that i have to configure #nvidia-xconfig in order to make that working (as for no reason the nvidia driver dosen,t use the xorg config file). while installing other nvidia supported distro is still a good idea but if i don,t know what i,m doing i,ll ending up nowhere otherwise in any distro (or in a timehole like this). i,m not bashing about linux i understand how unsupportive nvidia is to the linux community and how harsh it is to (completely) setup that proprietary driver and dealing with it specially in that case where nvidia no longer want linux user to use it anymore (i mean literally resupporting that driver) and that,s why it,s rare to find a guide fr someting so harsh like this .