New comment by kawaiiamber on void-packages repository Comment: Here is the template if you want to maintain it: ``` # Template file for 'trebleshot-desktop' pkgname=trebleshot-desktop version=0.1.0 _version=${version}-alpha2 revision=1 wrksrc=desktop-${_version} build_style=cmake makedepends="qt5-devel kdnssd-devel qt5-plugin-mysql qt5-plugin-odbc qt5-plugin-pgsql qt5-plugin-sqlite qt5-plugin-tds" short_desc="Open-Source file sharing software for Linux" maintainer="" license="GPL-2.0-only" homepage="" distfiles="${homepage}/archive/${_version}.tar.gz" checksum=8343658d59f183078ab0a706689c1d8362e7ea924f3f0ee4a981c5cc6f55aaa7 if [ "${CROSS_BUILD}" ]; then hostmakedepends="qt5-qmake qt5-host-tools" fi ``` It passes `xbps-src` on x86_64-musl and aarch64-musl. I haven't tested the resulting build binary package. In `maintainer`, put your information that you can be reached at: `name/alias `.