New comment by kawaiiamber on void-packages repository Comment: > Hm, could you try decreasing the version locally and testing if `./xbps-src update-check jamulus` works? There's a chance it won't detect their weird version name, so you'd need to add an `update` file for it. Okay, I cleaned the masterdir with `./xbps-src clean` and replaced the template with the previous version: ``` # Template file for 'jamulus' pkgname=jamulus version=3.6.1 revision=1 _version=r${version//./_} wrksrc=${pkgname}-${_version} build_style=qmake configure_args="" hostmakedepends="pkg-config" makedepends="qt5-declarative-devel jack-devel" short_desc="Play music online. With friends. For free" maintainer="KawaiiAmber " license="GPL-2.0-or-later" homepage="" distfiles="${_version}.tar.gz" checksum=24e9d7c69fcf949261fef39160b716375ac24afd2ba948d44d013a8b2ed1287c if [ "${CROSS_BUILD}" ]; then hostmakedepends+=" qt5-devel" fi ``` I then built the package `./xbps-src pkg jamulus`, then checked for an update: ``` [amber@otaku ~/projx/repos/void-packages]$ ./xbps-src update-check jamulus NO VERSION found for jamulus ``` It would appear as though you're right. I don't know anything about `update` files.