There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository pinephone-kernel: update to 5.10.12. Description: #### Have the results of the proposed changes been tested? - [x] I use the packages affected by the proposed changes on a regular basis and confirm this PR works for me - [ ] I generally don't use the affected packages but briefly tested this PR New version of megi's pinephone kernel. In addition to regular kernel updates, this brings new improvements: - Display refresh is now at 60hz from ~45hz - Improved wifi power management - Modem driver has added support for new Quectel modem features - Audio codec drivers work better with the hardware, higher sample rates in phone calls. This also unblocks #25084 So far I've tested a pretty barebones userspace on top of this, sway window manager, firefox, mpv music/video playback, wifi/bluetooth, and typec docking are all still working. I also cleaned the template up a bit, to better match the mainline kernel. Of course it's not exactly 1:1, but I believe the style is close enough. Also, for the maintainers: I admit I've been pretty lazy about documentation. I'd like to get some docs going for mklive and sxmo on the device, so we at least have a MVP userspace people can try out (or try and help some other enthusiastic people do this). Of course, this PR will make it easier to get there :-)