Closed issue by paoloschi on void-packages repository Description: Although I have not set the -d option for debugging, after the recent update i3 generates a 25Mb dump file named 'i3-log-NNN' that starts as follows: ``` /dev/shm $ head i3-log-833 u�*��06/02/2021 09:59:06 - CORE DUMPS: You are running a development version of i3, so coredumps were automatically enabled (ulimit -c unlimited). 06/02/2021 09:59:06 - CORE DUMPS: Your current working directory is "/dev/shm". 06/02/2021 09:59:06 - CORE DUMPS: Your core_pattern is: core 06/02/2021 09:59:06 - i3 4.19.1-non-git starting 06/02/2021 09:59:06 - ../libi3/dpi.c:init_dpi:42 - Resource Xft.dpi not specified, skipping. 06/02/2021 09:59:06 - ../libi3/dpi.c:init_dpi:65 - Using fallback for calculating DPI. 06/02/2021 09:59:06 - ../libi3/dpi.c:init_dpi:67 - Using dpi = 96 06/02/2021 09:59:06 - ../src/main.c:main:604 - root_depth = 32, visual_id = 0x00000079. 06/02/2021 09:59:06 - ../src/main.c:main:605 - root_screen->height_in_pixels = 1200, root_screen->height_in_millimeters = 317 06/02/2021 09:59:06 - ../src/main.c:main:607 - One logical pixel corresponds to 1 physical pixels on this display. ```