There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository python3-pycryptodomex: update to 3.10.1. Description: N.B.: Support dropped for py2.6 and py3.4. #### Have the results of the proposed changes been tested? - [ ] I use the packages affected by the proposed changes on a regular basis and confirm this PR works for me - [X] I generally don't use the affected packages but briefly tested this PR ``` ag@server ~ ❯ salt --versions-report | grep dome pycryptodome: 3.10.1 ``` #### Does it build and run successfully? (Please choose at least one native build and, if supported, at least one cross build. More are better.) - [X] I built this PR locally for my native architecture, (ARCH-LIBC) - [ ] I built this PR locally for these architectures (if supported. mark crossbuilds): - [ ] aarch64-musl - [ ] armv7l - [ ] armv6l-musl