New comment by maop on void-packages repository Comment: Ok, this has been a real rabbit hole for a newbie like me (: So... i edited `srcpkgs/gnome-shell/template` and made the changes like your PR, then `./xbps-src pkg gnome-shell` and then installed `3.38.3_2` and restarted. Now /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.gnome.Shell.Screencast.service exists, and with `dbus-monitor` i see A LOT of errors when i press the shortcut to activate the Screencast, some of them are about Mutter ``` method call time=1614145390.381364 sender=:1.71 -> destination=:1.13 serial=37 path=/org/gnome/Mutter/ScreenCast/Session /u1; interface=org.gnome.Mutter.ScreenCast.Session; member=Start error time=1614145390.393059 sender=:1.13 -> destination=:1.71 error_name=org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed reply_serial =37 string "Failed to start screen cast: Couldn't connect pipewire context" ``` So i began to think, maybe we need to build mutter with pipewire too? Looking for something mutter-related i found this enlightening comment: Ofc i needed to install pipewire. Ran it in a terminal `$ pipewire` , then pressed the shorcut et voilá ! it started recording correctly and video file was in $HOME/Videos, awesome! As pipewire is still unstable, and (correct me if i'm wrong) not yet supported by voidlinux, i'd say gnome screencasting is currently broken? unless there is another workaround? Let me know if i can help with something more. Best regards!