New comment by dkwo on void-packages repository Comment: I was previously able to build `sage` by installing these packages in Void: ``` CoinMP-devel R automake boost-devel cblas cmake ecl ecm-devel freetype-devel gcc-fortran gd-devel gettext-devel giac-devel glpk-devel gmpxx-devel harfbuzz libcurl-devel libgda-devel libgomp-devel libmpc-devel m4 mk-configure mpc mpir-devel ninja openblas-devel pandoc pari-devel pari-elldata pari-galdata pari-galpol pari-seadata patch pcre-devel pcre2-devel perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu pkgconf ppl-devel python3-Babel python3-Pillow python3-Sphinx python3-devel python3-matplotlib python3-networkx python3-pkgconfig python3-scipy python3-sympy sqlite-devel tox yasm zeromq-devel ``` Currently, a bug with recent pari (see tickets 30801 and 31392 in sage) is making the build fail at dochtml.