New comment by ericonr on void-packages repository Comment: IMO Artix's service split is unnecessary and way too complicated. If we want to support multiple inits at the service level, most services already support `runit` and `s6` without changes, and if we ever wanted to support OpenRC (despite giving up on supervision seeming to me like an extremely bad idea overall, so I don't think anyone will), the services could still go in the same package. Users can just take the few more bytes they occupy or add the directories to `ignorepkg=`. There are people looking into reusing the `void-runit` framework to enable s6 while still taking advantage of the current infrastructure, but it only touches the `void-runit` package and adjacent ones, not every single package. Void is primarily a runit distro, and we want the maintenance burden (and even mental load on users) to be optimized for that.