New comment by Johnnynator on void-packages repository Comment: Need to check if there is a sane way to get next rebuild without breaking it. it most likely broke with the sbcl 2.1.1 update ``` Next version 1.5.0 [00:35:06] next remote.lisp (initialize-instance :after remote-interface) - D-Bus addresses: (#) [00:35:06] next remote.lisp (initialize-instance :after remote-interface) - Bus connection name: :1.565 [00:35:06] next port.lisp (run-program port) - Current directory: /home/john/Projects/void-packages/ [00:35:06] next port.lisp (run-program port) - Platform port path: next-gtk-webkit [00:35:06] next port.lisp (run-program port) - Platform port arguments: NIL [00:35:06] next port.lisp (run-program port) - Platform port log file: /home/john/.local/share/next/next-gtk-webkit.log [00:35:06] next start.lisp (start fun23) - In startup-function #: The value :EMACS is not of type LIST when binding NEXT::SCHEME ```