New comment by jchook on void-packages repository Comment: Hm, thanks for trying @mobinmob. I have a hard time reproducing this issue on a fresh VM. Somehow I got one "general protection fault", similar to this, where the call failed with a loading animation and then dumped me out to the login screen. Now calls to the VM seem to work fine lol. No idea why. ``` 2021-03-05T23:00:56.12863 [ 226.306155] traps: skypeforlinux[1437] general protection fault ip:7ffa673a0214 sp:7ffa64972ad8 error:0 in slimcore.node[7ffa64ef8000+2e3e000] ``` Here's roughly what I tried... 1. Install void base on a new VM (I used libvirt / virt-manager) 2. Boot VM and login as root 3. Install some software ```sh xbps-install -Suy xbps-install -Suy xorg i3 i3status dmenu alacritty void-repo-nonfree void-socklog xbps-install -S xbps-install skype ln -s /etc/sv/socklog-unix /var/services/ ln -s /etc/sv/nanoklogd /var/services/ ``` 4. Logout and log-in as a non-root user 5. Set-up X11 ```sh echo "i3" > ~/.xinitrc startx ``` 6. Launch skype + login 7. Initiate a voice call from another account + device I did futz around with `xbps-reconfigure` and installing intel microcode, as well as dbus... perhaps related, but I feel kinda stumped now. Edit: Very strangely, if I change my xinitrc (on the problematic host machine) to use `xmonad` instead of `exec xmonad` I no longer get the segfault.