There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository chromium: update to 89.0.4389.82. Description: #### General - [ ] This is a new package and it conforms to the [quality requirements]( #### Have the results of the proposed changes been tested? - [x] I use the packages affected by the proposed changes on a regular basis and confirm this PR works for me - [ ] I generally don't use the affected packages but briefly tested this PR [ci skip] - Built for x86_64, x86_64-musl, i686 (pre-built at: - Tested on x86_64. - Use pipewire 0.3 (default in 90). - Remove Google API client id and secret. - Video acceleration is now a feature that must be enabled in chrome://flags. @q66 I had to make some changes to `xxx-ppc64le-support.patch`. Some code was moved to different files or removed entirely. In particular the `PtraceBroker::AllocateAttachments()` function is now gone. Please check that the changes I made are reasonable.