New comment by klarasm on void-packages repository Comment: It seems that the build fails on x86_64-musl with `XBPS_CHECK_PKGS=yes`. I have replicated this on my machine. Attaching logs from builds with and without checks. I have not noticed any problems yet, but my use of the package may not trigger it. I have located the error in the check to the following tests in lib/printf_test.c: ``` /* These tests fail. * from man 3 printf: * m (Glibc extension; supported by uClibc and musl.) Print output of strerror(er‐ * rno). No argument is required. * Maybe libc problem? errno = 5; BSPRINTF(18, "Input/output error", buf, "%m"); */ /* printf("%m\n\0", buf); * outputs "I/O error" instead */ /* errno = 0; BSPRINTF(18, "Input/output error", buf, "%M", 5); */ /* * printf("%M\n\0", buf); * does not seem to output anything */ ``` Anyway, the tests that do not pass don't seem very critical to the function of the package. If it's a libc issue it's a bit weird that it only manifests on x86_64 and none of the arm archs. From musl-1.1.24 src/errno/__strerror.h:39 `E(EIO, "I/O error")` From man 3 errno ` EIO Input/output error (POSIX.1-2001).` [bird-v2.0.8_build.log]( [bird-v2.0.8_build-with-checks.log]( [printf_test.c.txt](