New comment by gt7-void on void-packages repository Comment: > This can be a single commit doing both changes. > > @tornaria given that you mentioned you had a local template for this, would you like to leave any comments? This has worked for me in the past: ``` # Template file for 'gf2x' pkgname=gf2x version=1.3.0 revision=1 build_style="gnu-configure" short_desc="C/C++ library for fast arithmetic in GF(2)[x]" maintainer="Gonzalo TornarĂ­a " license="GPL-3.0-or-later" homepage="" distfiles="${pkgname}-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=9472cd651972a1de38e3c4c47697a86e0ecf19d7d33454d4bc2a62bc85841b59 gf2x-devel_package() { depends="gf2x-${version}_${revision}" short_desc+=" - development files" pkg_install() { vmove "usr/include" vmove "usr/lib/*.a" vmove "usr/lib/*.so" } } ``` Note that the homepage has changed, but the release file is still the same, can be downloaded, e.g. from `` and it has the same sha256.