New comment by hiljusti on void-packages repository Comment: Thanks @ericonr! For what it's worth, I'm the developer, and my daily driver is void. I use it to help me organize my life (To over share a little, I'm autistic and absolutely need this kind of tool) and I don't plan to switch to other software. Because of that, I can guarantee pretty immediate support for void. I'm already updating this PR on every patch release. My interest in getting it in to void packages is mostly to share, and also partially to make sure I don't have any bugs related to system-level installation. To be fair I can also test this with faked root installs, or adding to nixpkgs or something I plan to start generating more examples of how to use it over the next couple months. (e.g. medium articles, youtube videos, reddit posts, etc) There's modest interest from experimenters ([350+ downloads from]( which is more than just me and automated stuff) but not exactly a thriving community Anyway, thanks for updating, I totally get the concern. If you think it's too early, I can revisit after confirming there's interest beyond just myself.