New review comment by yopito on void-packages repository Comment: I had a look on qt6-base and cmake and ccache. here my points: "`-D-DQT_USE_CCACHE`" has no effect if ccache is enabled from xbps-src : ccache will be used. I think "`-DQT_USE_CCACHE=OFF`" might be a better idea (similar to other packages) qt6-base build uses precompiled headers (pch) when working with automoc. ccache does not handle pch until some additional configuration (see => so ccache is rather useless in this case: about 150/1160 "objects" are stored in ccache workarounds: * hope that packagers will enable pch support in ccache. IMHO, this support is somewhat imprecise, afraid of false positive * disable use of pch for building qt6-base with "`-DBUILD_WITH_PCH=OFF`" : some overhead (not that much) on first build, but ccache efficiency after (about 70 minutes on 1st run, 6 minutes then to build+package qt6-base). And no specific ccache settings is needed