New comment by rmboggs on void-packages repository Comment: This is what I currently have in the hostmakedepends and makedepends lines of your template file. Again, this worked for me on my x86_64 glibc system, so I am not 100% sure if this will work on the other platforms: ```bash hostmakedepends="git tar wget python3 cmake clang llvm" makedepends="icu-devel libunwind-devel lttng-ust-devel zlib-devel mit-krb5-devel" ``` I'm still new to the void package process so if I have these items listed incorrectly, please let me know so I can correct and learn. :) Regarding the error, it's a bit weird: ``` /usr/bin/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-ld: /builddir/source-build-5.0.202-SDK/artifacts/src/runtime.2f740adc1457e8a28c1c072993b66f515977eb51/artifacts/bin/native/net5.0-Linux-Release-x64/libSystem.IO.Compression.Native.a(pal_zlib.c.o): in function 'CompressionNative_DeflateInit2_': /builddir/source-build-5.0.202-SDK/artifacts/src/runtime.2f740adc1457e8a28c1c072993b66f515977eb51/artifacts/bin/native/AnyOS/zlib/pal_zlib.c:120: undefined reference to 'deflateInit2_' ``` It's weird because I do see this defined in the /usr/include/zlib.h file when I install zlib on my system. I must be doing something wrong here. Any thoughts?