New comment by noarchwastaken on void-packages repository Comment: > All these `find` and `for` loops make that template quite ugly to read imo. Most of these are just to keep the destdir clean; [The AUR package]( that I'm referencing from is pretty cursed in some places, I tweaked it significantly but kept the cleanup process. I'm pretty sure everything will work fine without the cleanup; but the size of the produced package might be a tiny bit bigger. Your opinion on removing that bit for extra readability? > Maybe electron builder can be abused to provide a more usable directory structure. I had a peek at your `Rocket.Chat-Desktop` package, it seems like Rocket.Chat supports `electron-builder` OOTB so you can simply `yarn run electron-builder ...` to build it. However `` doesn't seem to support it, so I might have to write an `electron-builder.json` and so on... > Regarding naming an so, you could just take a look at the official '.deb' or '.rpm' and copy the naming from there. The official `.deb` and `.rpm` are pretty much just uncompressed appimage, installed in `/opt`. They still use `drawio`, so I think I'm fine here.