New comment by Chocimier on void-packages repository Comment: > check only distfiles homepage and site are important too > remove all variable except pkgname and version from distfiles There are templates that use wrksrc, _distver being custom transformation of version and more. > update-check doesn't need xbps It uses dewey version sort with `xbps-uhelper cmpver` and needs to use it more. Current [sort -Vu]( sorts beta releases as greater than final releases - so that xupdate updates templates that for some reasons are in `2beta1` version to `2beta2` rather than `2`. > requires [...] XBPS_ALLOW_CHROOT_BREAKOUT Is this problem? > could speed things up a bit Test was done on templates with `0.` prepended to version to force matches. There are around 60 packages for which new versions are not detected after that change as for now, not counting R and ruby packages defining distfiles in build style. Run time of void-updates -p 5 went down by 5min, from 2h 25min to 2h 20min. On same machine, `xbps-src show` for all packages takes around 10 min - limit of what can be expected to improve. Roughly half of execution time was spent in void-updates' `get_date` - but this is not representative, as there are more found versions that usually. My conclusion is that this is micro-optimization that doesn't touch real problem pointed by maldridge - templates being bash programs depending on lot of xbps-src code that are complex to really understand, hard or slow to process for all usecases, like cycle detection.