New review comment by Logarithmus on void-packages repository Comment: > it's right there in the project readme, which @Logarithmus apparently hasn't read Please, don't make assumptions about the others if you don't know the whole story. I've read the README multiple times, even contributed to it ( This line states that `mold` does support only x86_64 **as a target platform**. The line doesn't say anything about supported **host platform**. So I tried to cross build `mold` for `aarch64` on my laptop and it finised successfully. CI run for `aarch64` worked as well: After you've posted [this comment](, I asked the author of `mold` if it supports cross linking. The answer was "yes". You can read it [here]( I didn't try it in practice yet though. Summing up: your suggestion about adding `cross=x86_64*` is wrong.