New comment by tornaria on void-packages repository Comment: Sorry, my bad for not checking before doing my PR. Comments on the current PR: - Can we enable plugins? It's just a matter of adding `lua53-devel` to `makedepends`. - I'd really like to include the (very simple) patch I included to load user plugins, please? - I understand the reasons for the change from `virtual?tex` to `texlive-latexextra`. However, I'm still using `texlive-bin` because of #30340 which is a serious blocker for my (quite heavy) usage of TeX. - OTOH, latex is not really necessary to use Xournal++ so maybe the best choice is to *not* depend on it at all. In my box installing `xournalpp` requires 5MB of disk, while installing `texlive-latexextra` requires 500MB. I use xournalpp every day to teach and write notes and it's a nice feature but completely optional.