New comment by krkk on void-packages repository Comment: Could you try `unset QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME` and then run telegram? It fixed for me. When I downgraded to the previous version (2.8.4), there was an message in my stdout, which explained to me why I previously had the default qt theme when selecting a file and why the newer version crashes: > Unfortunately, **GTK integration conflicts with qgtk2 platformtheme and style**. Therefore, QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME and QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE will be unset. > This can be ignored by setting DESKTOP_APP_I_KNOW_ABOUT_GTK_INCOMPATIBILITY environment variable to any value, **however, if qgtk2 theme or style is used, this will lead to a crash**. > GTK integration can be disabled by setting DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_GTK_INTEGRATION to any value. Keep in mind that this will lead to some features being unavailable. It looks like they removed the message and unsetting the enviroments in