New comment by rivanfebrian123 on void-packages repository Comment: Thank you guys for replying! @loreb Is `utmps` a `logname` alternative? How can I use that. I couldn't find the package ``` [rivanfebrian123@RVN ~]$ xlocate utmps runit-2.1.2_11 /usr/bin/utmpset runit-2.1.2_11 /usr/share/man/man8/utmpset.8 ``` @ericonr Let's say `musl` doesn't really wanna meet POSIX standard because of their principle, but at least, it should be as close as possible to POSIX. Maybe they can return these fallbacks: 1. `$SUDO_USER` 2. `$LOGNAME` 3. `$USER` In `sudo`, `$LOGNAME` simply returns "root", not my username, so use `$SUDO_USER` instead @all Could you guys try those fallbacks on `doas`? I gotta finish my homework assignment in an hour