New comment by Twilighttony on void-packages repository Comment: Hello everyone, I have created an init script for MullVad VPN and have tested it on my void linux install. I am working on creating an xbps package, but I have never packaged a program before so that might take a while. IN the meantime, do this to get it working on your runit based system. Extract the deb archive using `ar x` and then extract the data.tar.xz file into a folder named mullvad. Then cd into that directory and copy the opt and usr folders to / Then after that, go either into `/etc/sv/` or `/etc/runit/sv/` and create a folder named mullvad. cd into that directory and then do `touch run && chmod +x run` as root. Edit the file with any text editor and then put this in there: `#!/bin/sh ` `exec 2>&1 ` `sv check dbus > /dev/null || exit 1` `exec /opt/Mullvad\ VPN/resources/mullvad-daemon -v --disable-stdout-timestamps` Save the file and then `sudo ln -s ` from either `/etc/sv/mullvad` or `/etc/runit/sv` to either `/var/service` or `/run/runit/service`