New comment by Chocimier on void-packages repository Comment: Cross compilation works when keyanalyze is build separately: ``` post_patch() { vsed -i Makefile -e 's/keyanalyze//' } ``` ``` bash # Template file for 'keyanalyze' pkgname=keyanalyze version=2.11 revision=1 wrksrc="signing-party-v${version}" build_wrksrc="keyanalyze/pgpring" build_style=gnu-configure make_install_args="-C .." hostmakedepends="autoconf automake" makedepends="libmd-devel" short_desc="Analyses the relationships between the keys in public key ring" maintainer=" <@>" license="GPL-2.0-only" homepage="" distfiles="${version}/signing-party-v${version}.tar.gz" checksum=e339cfea9af6f12bf09de8aa6c8972c168d2eb712cb72a8a7415e3f7ecb43cf2 pre_configure() { autoreconf -fi } post_build() { cd .. vsed -i Makefile -e '/all:/s:pgpring/pgpring::' make CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" } ```