New comment by amak79 on void-packages repository Comment: @TegarOk can you please re-open this issue. I think I've made some sense of the many of RetroArch OpenGL/ES configure options. ``` --enable-opengl Enable OpenGL 2.0 support --disable-opengl Disable OpenGL 2.0 support --disable-opengl_core Disable Modern OpenGL driver support (GLES3+/GL3.2 core+), requires OpenGL. --disable-opengl1 Disable OpenGL 1.1 support --enable-opengles Enable Use GLESv2 instead of desktop GL --enable-opengles3 Enable OpenGLES3 support --enable-opengles3_1 Enable OpenGLES3.1 support --enable-opengles3_2 Enable OpenGLES3.2 support ``` The `--enable-opengl_core` option will enable both OpenGL (3.2+) and OpenGL ES (3+) support. I mistakenly thought that `--enable-opengles` was needed for OpenGL ES support. I still don't know when this option should be used. I've tested RetroArch with `opengl` enabled and `gles2` disabled on an RPi 3B+. RetroArch reports that OpenGL ES support is disabled and so far everything works. I think I need to re-work the template to either disable `gles2` by default or drop it entirely. @ericonr can you please add your thoughts on this issue.